In Cloud-Native Computing: How to Design, Develop, and Secure Microservices and Event-Driven Applications, a team of distinguished professionals delivers a comprehensive and insightful treatment of cloud-native computing technologies and tools. With a particular emphasis on the Kubernetes platform, as well as service mesh and API gateway solutions, the book demonstrates the need for reliability assurance in any distributed environment.
The authors explain the application engineering and legacy modernization aspects of the technology at length, along with agile programming models. Descriptions of MSA and EDA as tools for accelerating software design and development accompany discussions of how cloud DevOps tools empower continuous integration, delivery, and deployment.
Cloud-Native Computing also introduces proven edge devices and clouds used to construct microservices-centric and real-time edge applications. Finally, readers will benefit from:
Perfect for graduate and postgraduate students in a variety of IT- and cloud-related specialties, Cloud-Native Computing also belongs in the libraries of IT professionals and business leaders engaged or interested in the application of cloud technologies to various business operations.