To achieve permanent weight loss you must change your lifestyle. You can eat AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! - As long as you eat the right foods. The 4 Hour Diet isn't a low-carb diet, but instead promotes the use of slow-carbs. By eliminating starches and anything sweet including fruit and all artificial sweeteners & dairy (except cottage cheese) and by giving a strong preference for lean protein, legumes & vegetables, one can easily lose the weight. 4 Hour Diet emphasizes nutrient-dense, lower-energy foods and avoids the foods that are likely the biggest culprits in obesity and lifestyle-related disease: refined grains, added sugars, and vegetable oils. When you eat the same few meals routinely your body gets used to a meal, it tends to metabolize it more quickly. The 4 Hour Diet is without calorie restriction & portion control, as long as you restrain yourself when it comes to "domino foods" & stick to full meals instead of snacking. Moderate exercise like kettle bell swinging not more than 20 to 25 minutes twice a week works wonder, as exercise is good for a fit and healthy body BUT weight loss is primarily about diet, not exercise. Everything is allowed on “cheat Day”. It’ll keep you on the diet, rather than having you live life never eating all of the things that you love.
4 Hour Diet is really easy to follow as it gives the freedom from hunger, cravings, and food obsessions that people often experience, especially when trying to lose weight. Enjoy a variety of delicious healthy dishes.