Don't Fear the Reaper

By Blake Atwood

Don't Fear the Reaper
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You've written a book, so now what?
You may be asking yourself:

- Should I hire an editor?
- What kind of editor do I need?
- How much will professional editing cost?
- Where can I find an editor?
- What will an editor expect from me?
- What can I expect from an editor?

Don't Fear the Reaper: Why Every Author Needs an Editor answers these questions and more, while also offering:

- Advice on self-editing
- How to best prepare your book for an editor
- How to make an editor not like you so much
- Why patience is key in writing and publishing

Bonus chapters include the inspiring "Unveiling Validation's Hiding Place: How to Defeat Every Writer's Nightmare," with guest appearances (quotes) by the likes of John Steinbeck, Stephen King, and Anne Lamott, and the resourceful "20 Must-Read Books on Writing and Publishing."

As menacing as editors may appear, you have no need to fear them. They may slice and dice your words and ideas, but they're on your side.

Don't Fear the Reaper will help you make the most of your writer/editor relationship while encouraging you to keep pursuing the writing craft-one that admits no masters, but only lifelong students.

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