Civilization Past & Present

By Palmira Johnson Brummett

Civilization Past & Present
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* Brevity This streamlined version of Civilization Past and Present, Ninth Edition chronicles the evolution of humanity from earliest times to the present. In straightforward, easy-to-read prose, the book examines all the worlds major civilizations, allowing students to understand and appreciate each societys unique aspects and contributions as well as its interactions with other cultures and civilizations. * Full-color Format The only full-color, brief book on the market, Civilization Past and Present, Concise Version is user-friendly for students. Striking color images present the rich tapestry of the past, and full-color maps help students to discern geographical distinctions. * Discovery Through Maps The Discovery Through Maps feature uses primary source maps to show students how a particular culture viewed the world at a given time. One Discovery Through Maps feature appears in each chapter. The feature demonstrates the significance of geography in shaping cultural identity. * Part-opening Essays emphasize thematic development and show how the chapters in each part relate to one another. Part divisions encourage students to consider the past in terms of logical and meaningfu

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