Discover Mexico's past and present hand-in-hand with the experts!
This travel guide offers a unique ten-day tour of the sites of Mexico's pre-Columbian cultures, starting in Mexico City and ending in Cancoen. As you visit the remains of the great early civilizations in Teotihuac++n, Oaxaca Valley, Uxmal, ChichŽn Itza, Cob++, and Cancoen, this eye-opening book will tell you just what makes these places and cultures so special. Stuart and Swanson comment on everything that's likely to catch your attentionÑfrom the lay of the land to the taste of the food, from Mayan Sacred Wells to colonial Spanish cathedrals, from Aztec pyramids to the thatched oval houses of today's Maya villages, from sisal plantations to glimpses of the beautiful turquoise-crested motmot.
Ancient Mexico: Aztec, Mixtec, and Maya Landscapes makes the best of traveling companions: compact, informed, and lively. You'll want to read and re-read it as you plan, take, and relive your trip!
George E. Stuart, National Geographic Society, is an authority on Mesomerican archeology. Winfield Swanson is the managing editor of the journal National Geographic Research & Exploration.
A volume in Touring North America, a new series of thirteen guides by geographers for the curious traveler. The guides provide stop-by-stop tours to the most interesting places in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. They tell you what to seeÑand what it means! This innovative series, specially commissioned for the 27th International Geographical Congress 1992 and featuring maps by National Geographic Society cartographers, will be invaluable to the visitor and the native alike.