It is 1644 and Dr Webster, after his adventures chronicled in A Sea of Contumely, continues his trials and tribulations during the English Civil War. Chased from his home, badly wounded, and now taking refuge from his enemies, he is again pulled into the turmoil of the war.
His income as Master of the Grammar School has been lost, due to embezzlement by a governor, Sir Christopher Kendall, so he is now employed, in part, as a Surgeon for Parliamentary forces in Lancashire. Dragged from sanctuary in the village of Downham, his writing, scientific experiments, and his beloved library must be put aside as he travels from the battle of Heptonstall, to the siege of Hornby Castle, and on to Preston with his young assistant Nate and escort Will Cummins, Sergeant-at-Arms.
All this time he must constantly look over his shoulder as the whereabouts of his nemesis, Kendall, is unknown. Kendall’s wife, however, has appeared to claim her husband’s fortune, which might lead us to think that he is dead...