Late Dr. Stephen R. Corey was one of the most famous person for being a great speaker, writer and a teacher. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is one of his greatest works and has impacted the lives of many. This book has been published for than 20 years ago and has still remained the top books in the market.
Habits determines our destiny. Do we really have what it takes to be highly successful? In his book, Dr. Stephen R. Corey teaches us through the 7 habits of highly effective people. Having more than 20 million copies sold worldwide, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" is a must read if you are truly serious in being highly successful and effective.NOW FREE FOR KINDLE UNLIMITED MEMBERS
In this book, it will summarize all the key takeaways, summaries and lessons of the original book. We will cover all the 7 habits of highly effective people with a book page of less than 15% of the original one! Take this book as an even shorter path towards being highly effective and successful!
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