The home is under siege both because it is an enormous potential market and because of changing human behaviours. It is also interesting as a platform for new technology and for analysis of everyday life, as in this essay. We will describe the home as a context where the interactors are humans (inhabitants), things (artefacts in the home), and information. The interactions at home are activities and routines.
This essay presents and structures thoughts on the organization, use and decoration of the home, discussing a particular home. The text continues the exploration of interior design started in “InTerior design – Konvolute” (Gulliksson web). It is also yet another piece in a puzzle to understand information technology in the future everyday life.
The next chapters will introduce the floor plan of the ground floor @Lummerstigen 12 which will be our reference in the discussions that follows. The point of view is limited to western middle class and much of the discussion will be further constrained by a typical family house @Lummerstigen 12 in Sweden where a pair of middle aged parents live with 3 children in their late teens. Further characterization will be described where it applies in the discussions. After the floor plan has been introduced we will examine some already existing pervasive environments in the home: climate, wiring, lighting and soundscape.
We work our way through the hallway, living room and the kitchen. This will in other words be yet another tour of a home and the structure of it will roughly follow the one used by Abercombie, i.e. discussing rooms, enclosings, furniture, decoration and artifacts including technical appliances. Along the tour references to the literature and ideas from research will be given.