Journey into a look at ancient symbols with Chris Hegg as he presents the groundbreaking decipherment of the Phaistos Disc and the Magliano Disc usage, revealing their astonishing function as solar calendars using the solar analemma as a template, which stretches back our modern calendar's roots to 4,600 years ago. Observe how the disc's symbols are overlaid to uncover their true purpose and demonstrate their remarkable connection to each other.
But the revelations do not end there. This book also bridges the gap between these ancient artifacts and 12,000-year-old petroglyphs found across the globe. By decoding the intricate symbols etched in stone by early civilizations, Chris highlights the profound astronomical knowledge and cultural significance embedded within these timeless markings and how that ancient universal language transcended everything to influence written record.
Discover the untold story of how the Phaistos and Magliano Discs, created 2,500 years apart, serve as a testament to the advanced understanding of celestial movements by our ancestors. Explore the links between these artifacts and petroglyphs, unveiling a shared heritage of timekeeping and astronomical observation that spans millennia.
The Mythical Phaistos and Magliano Discs Decoded is not just a book; it is a journey into the heart of ancient wisdom, offering fresh insights and connecting the dots between ancient calendars, petroglyphs, and the origins of our modern timekeeping system. Join Chris in this fascinating exploration and unlock the secrets of a forgotten past.